the magic square (puzzle)
Homework I gave in 1S, which studies a puzzle sold as magic square. It consists of four parts in a stacked configuration and can give a square of side 10cm
and another, giving a square a little larger, in which a square hole of side 2 cm was made in the center.
I chose the values to find the calculations in a trinomial that simplifies easy and simple values for construction, but you can choose any values at the start. The construction of this puzzle played on a double-cutting plan. January 1 paving with two squares of different sizes:
February 1 with a square tiling with vertices the centers of four squares connected by a small:
This construction allows to demonstrate how very pretty the theorem Pythagoras. Perigal Henry, a London stockbroker 19th found that dissection of the square in 1874.
Henry Dudeney, the famous creator of mathematical games, popularized in 1917. It should be noted that we can have both solutions in handling, after connecting the parts with a hinge.
I do not know if it exists, but I think you can imagine square tables measure that could fit in some maneuvering around a central pillar.