Hello world. Published March 25, 2009
I'm home. It's raining as if it had rained for two days, which isn'ta bad thing because it helps to melt snow and thaw the ice-covered alleys. I looked through my window yesterday and I noticed the first snowflake fell, which made me momentarily happy. The snowflakes were the first flowers that I was able to identify - I learned about them when I was 3 or 4 years with a book called "A story a week" - and they confirm the coming of spring.
I currently working on a secret project. I do not want to talk because it might compromise him. But, until 2 o'clock the Last night when I was falling asleep and I went to bed, all was going well. There were one or two passages which did not suit me, sometimes I write too much dialogue and I start to write passages or personages only talk but he or nothing happens.
Maddy and I, after so many travels and adventures, we finally had a vacation day. It was really fun.
I was watching TV last night to see me speak because rebroadcast of the Colbert Report last week, and I felt the same feeling when listening to his answering machine and the first message you hear is ourselves - a strange feeling of discomfort.
Speaking of tv, I think this story of the chain ONION was perfect (I'll even put in charge of the airport more like a businessman or even a regiment of businessmen , rather than what type of funny).
I have a question about the diary. Do you keep a journal writing? Is it rather like "I did that today," or rather like a pot pourri of your ideas of the day?
I do not keep a diary. I think sometimes why this blog longer than I had planned because it is as useful as a diary. If I need to know when I was in Sao Paulo, or anything else, I'm looking on the site.
And if I need to put my ideas before writing was flat on the blog, I never do. It is a kind of warming up before the real work of writing.
Hello Neil, Your
"Chilvalry" read by Jane Cutin is available for a week or more on http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast/podcast_detail.php?siteId=9911210 from the people of Selected Shorts.
I think you'd like to share it.
See ya!
It's so long since I have not read "Chilvalry" before an audience. I keep thinking it would be nice to do another tour reading CBLDF (the last tour, which was supposed to be the last, took place in 2000 ... so long ago that people who had attended because it was the latter, than I probably would not if it was not the case.
Thank you for making me discovered Amanda Palmer I went to her concert last night and I find it beautiful. She speaks to you and everyone applauds. Then she asked if you were ever came to your "tricks writer" as dedications or conventions to New Orleans. The crowd remained silent. Amanda said it was strange because it sounds to be your kind of town.
So I think: how is it that you never came here to do your tricks a writer? I know you've been here before, but Amanda is right, New Orleans is your kind of town. We'd love to have you.
It is embarrassing. I love New Orleans and I've been here twice in the last 18 years for conventions, and several times to see some friends, walking in cemeteries or some old bookstores, but never for dedications. Or readings. Hmm ... Well, if I make another round of CBLDF, I'll see if I can make a stop in New Orleans.
I was wondering: are you willing to read new authors amateur and correct?
I'm afraid not
Hello Neil,
I found this lovely quote from you on www.goodreads.com , and I was wondering what book or comic book was because she pulls it was not mentions. I just start to read your work and I can not find. Thank
Here is the passage: "When you embrace, in the dark, the shadows do not disappear. The troubles are still there. The nightmares still growing. When we embrace, we do not feel safe, but it feels better. "It goes," whispered one, "I'm here, I love you", and we lie: "I'll never leave you." For a brief moment, the shadows are not that bad. "
It draws the comic Hellblazer # 27," Hold me. "Dispatches from DC Comics, Neil Gaiman's Midnight collection.
An overview of English stamps bases on mythical creatures by Dave McKean.
Have a look at http://www. royalmail.com/portal/stamps/jump1? catId & MediaID = 32200669 = 32300674 . The stamps will be also distributed in a special package, with some of my writings, one for each type of creatures.
For all your fans who seek to purchase the first printing of Blueberry Girl, you can suggest they look in the comics shops. I live in LA and I went into 4 major bookstores last week to buy Blueberry Girl. 3 of the stores had not orders and did not know the book until they watch on their computers. I then went to Meltdown Comics in Hollywood on Sunday and they had much in stock (it's there that I bought mine). I just returned from Comics Factory in Pasadena and they had too few. By the way, is really a great book, Neil. Charles Vess has done a fabulous job on the drawing and your words ... They made my soul happy, as usual.
Very good suggestion (Yes Encourage your local comic book stores!)
Audible has just informed me that The Graveyard Book just to qualify for the semi-finals of their competition. Here is the link (If you know Audible and you think The Graveyard Book is a win against Extreme Measures by Vince Flynn is your chance to vote)
Finally, (as compensation to be going so far) on site MCC Theatre, you can take a look at the musical Coraline, which will begin in May in New York. Tickets are quite expensive. But if you use the cod CLNG when you buy the tickets, they go down to $ 39 each. The code is valid until April 12.
I'm leaving the job.