Published April 2, 2009
There are about ten years, there were beavers in the small river near my home. There was a flood, and beavers and their dam were swept away.
They miss me. The act of going off the trees they had put the wrong places I miss. (As engineers of nature, they had poorly positioned well logs has the appropriate places)
Today, during walking the dog, I was very happy to see him back.
Beside the bridge, the beavers built a dam with an old telegraph pole (it was a bridge before the flood, who carries the beaver, do not destroy).
Here is a piece of wood already well chewed by beavers.
And a dog who wonders why I stopped so pleasant walk to take pictures of things totally uninteresting.
My plans for Saturday evening are very simple: I'm going to see Jason Webley concert, which I discovered in 2006 with this video. Jason sent me a lot of music (including this song) I love it, it was briefly meeting in London, then on stage during a concert Amanda Palmer Camden ... and since that time, I was never home when he came to play in Minneapolis.

(Me left, Jason Webley with the guitar on stage with Miss Amanda at Koko in Camden)
And finally, I will be in Minneapolis when Jason will play. So I will be present.
And Jason will be on tour throughout this year. Take a look to see if it goes through you:
About endoits or I want to go, next June will be held the Fourth Convention Stree Fantasy in Minneapolis. It will be a convention without guests, which is none the worse for a convention that is primarily concerned with debates. For the preceding 4th Street, I participated in debates that have ended in the corridors, and hallway conversations that ended in debates.
I said that I will have aucne convention as a guest this year, apart from the Worldcon, but I just had 4th Street, I will not be there as a guest, Just as an interlocutor.
I just realized you have no mention of the Watchmen movie. I know that you and Alan Moore are friends and I wondered what you'd think the movie? Could you see? Friendships
I have not seen it yet. I expect that someone whose opinion I respect and with whom I have the same tastes, tell me "It's great, you have to see, you will love." But for now, tut what I hear they are "Yeah, there's things right, you will love the opening credits and the end is pretty good, not the alien lacking. Well, the story goes in all directions, and they have many copies of the comic scenes, sometimes without real meaning. Ah yes, they are all super-hero now, not just Dr. Manhattan, they can all make great stuff, but it's not bad ... "I probably will watch on HBO at one time or another. I am may even be pleasantly surprised.
Hello Neil,
I did not know if you saw this: day-1 /
You seem to be a popular topic for tattoos.
I love the site contrariwise, there is something great has about literary tattoos (except, as I said before, when there are spelling errors). I am fascinated to see the theme of the week.
Dear Neil,
Many schools try to include books for adolescents, especially graphic works in their program. As a writer Ayany key to both genders, can you imagine one of your works taught in a classroom? Do you see a oppurtinite for a young player to have easier access to classic literature, or just a way to learn while having fun?
I just started as a teacher and I wanted to use this kind of work in class, but I also know that sometimes a book can only be just a diversion.
Honestly, I will be the last person who you should ask this question. I've never been convinced that there is a real distinction between high culture and popular culture. I think there are good things, and there are less good, and that Sturgeon's Law is applicable to both classical and popular culture: 90% will be bad, leaving us with 10% very good.
I am always happy and a little disoriented when people tell me they teach my work, but it is no longer a surprise.
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