Another sociology of voting
voters in their contexts:
critical review and outlook foreword by Patrick Lehingue
University of Cergy-Pontoise / LEJEP
Lextenso-editions 2010
Introduction by the editor
ubiquitous in the analysis of the vote, the polls are not yet atomistic nor the only method, nor can always most suited to the sociological understanding voting behavior. If people, today as yesterday, voting as a group, they continue to vote as a couple, if they vote like their friends or in accordance with prevailing norms in their environment, then it is likely to be lost in understanding what they do when voting by extracting them from their environments to study them. Replace the voters in their contexts, building on research traditions may be an alternative paradigm to that of the individual voter, that is the subject of this book that questions the appropriateness of methods, data quality, precision tools, force heuristic devices used to investigate both sides of the Atlantic to try to apprehend the vote as a social fact. Anglo-Saxon literature, known in France, occupies a prominent place, work is forgotten exhumed recent dynamics revealed, scattered work put in perspective. There is the first critical assessment of the sociology of another vote which the author calls for the deployment.
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