article found on: http://www.millebabords.org / by Lei Chapacans
MARSEILLE, carelessness
There are cities that seem to resist against all odds, despite the insults and contempt, with multiple attacks throughout the centuries have tried to make them like any other. Few are those who, despite the insistence of the blows were not processed urban-setting, center and periphery sterile dormitory. Marseille or at least what is left of them. Mocked and maligned in France until the mid-90s, she knew not to deny what is left of life. Overturning as clever as doubtful all the flaws that he had joined, the city lazy, dirty, vulgar and cosmopolitan has become fashionable lately. Semantic processing of words experienced and conceptualized in terms dishes were allowed to market valuation. Marseille, a city hospital, cosmopolitan, just not violent enough to be annoying, officially became a city in which to live. The spectrum of Haussmann, Attila the straight line is more haunted places. Rue de la République, real imperial bloodletting, whose implementation had not fulfilled wishes to return to a town near the center of Marseilles timid bourgeoisie, is presented in a new European bourgeoisie, as coveted as fantasy, as all modern eldorado opportunities for investment and housing, offices which, moreover, remain empty. Euromed tirelessly to commence, with the arrogance of the builders on the deserts, a restructuring of the European territory in regional clusters for competitiveness, operates around the new "neighborhood" of Joliette business with great blows of expropriation and expulsion. This project to construct an "area of peace, security and shared prosperity" is embodied in the destruction of the last enclaves of the popular center for deportation at the periphery and building poles for alternative virtual population acquired mobility or speculation. One of the last major European cities with a popular center bend Does the spine facing annihilation forms of collusion in order to substitute their shapeless conglomerates, separated by deserts and highways? In the absence of resistance size, sabotage of parking meters, actions against evictions, swarming rebellious lives in this administration and bankruptcies in the Lords are all cries of a city that refuses to be called only by deception that city .
flourishing culture and gentrification
When the sounds of jackhammers and the gigantism of cardboard no longer seem sufficient arise so little sneaky plans for a vital culture. Banners and brochures flower to celebrate the victory of Marseille-Provence as European Capital of Culture in 2013. The former Orangina-Schweppes CEO, Jacques Pfister, president of the event and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, celebrates the marriage of culture and enterprise. To this patron of modern times, man of culture and great fighter against the demonization of the company, one role of the artist is to trace the financers economic moment they live. The event would have no issues but would participate in a politics of civilization. One of the many goals would be to reassure foreign companies that install on reception conditions and lives of their frames, families and employees in a city where culture must be well secured [ 1]. Others, like Rudy Ricciotti, architect of the future MuCEM, who still live together between the poor would not be an aesthetic project or a political project, complain that there is not enough rich people in Marseille and hope that the event could bring a little corn, a few beautiful women convertible car [ 2]. The consensus among policy makers and economic and the temporary absence of dissenting voices among the entertainers would it be due to the financial attractiveness of the famous 98 million? Citizens dubious say leaders should be content with a mobilization strategy that would become an actor of the event. This project, whose principal axes [ 3] have been thoroughly defined the attributes important to a culture with a European international show. The crumbs of a local folklore multiculturalist doubtful based on what was a city of Marseille in Marseille mode tweak the brand. Desertions and initiatives to fight in the field of art, a struggle which will manifest itself by a radical questioning of the role of guard dog on a lead financial authority and active participant in the collapse recent popular enclaves attributed to the artist, will pose challenges to those projects where culture and peace are forever linked. We can not say "No" and sabotage by all means the negation of what remains of life from below. Because if the love we begin by saying positive things, we should fall into the error of claiming, which is a mistake because when the love making these positive claims, he helps himself to convert these things, idea of themselves manipulated by trade, and the State Capital. Lei
Readings for an offensive Cities and social resistance, "Agone No. 38/39, 2008 Bendy Glu, Culture & Propaganda" "Lille 2004" European Capital of Culture in Agone, No. 34, 2005 Bruno Le Dantec, The Nameless City in Marseilles in the mouths of those who murdered, Red Dog, 2007 Website "The party is over" - http://lafeteestfinie.free.fr/
Published in No. 21 Offensive
OLS Chapacans c / o Thousand Babord Consolat 61 street, 13001 Marseille chapacans@riseup.net http://offensive.samizdat.net/ http://atheles.org/offensive/
[ 1] Remarks at the end of the radio program: Marseille for its economic policy makers http://www.grenouille888.org/dyn/spip.php? rubrique450
[ 2] Remarks Everything happens during the show! (21'30) On November 7, 2008 on France Culture http://www.tv-radio.com/ondemand/france_culture/TOUTARRIVE/TOUTARRIVE20081107.ram
[ 3] We will return later on the merits of this project.
There are cities that seem to resist against all odds, despite the insults and contempt, with multiple attacks throughout the centuries have tried to make them like any other. Few are those who, despite the insistence of the blows were not processed urban-setting, center and periphery sterile dormitory. Marseille or at least what is left of them. Mocked and maligned in France until the mid-90s, she knew not to deny what is left of life. Overturning as clever as doubtful all the flaws that he had joined, the city lazy, dirty, vulgar and cosmopolitan has become fashionable lately. Semantic processing of words experienced and conceptualized in terms dishes were allowed to market valuation. Marseille, a city hospital, cosmopolitan, just not violent enough to be annoying, officially became a city in which to live. The spectrum of Haussmann, Attila the straight line is more haunted places. Rue de la République, real imperial bloodletting, whose implementation had not fulfilled wishes to return to a town near the center of Marseilles timid bourgeoisie, is presented in a new European bourgeoisie, as coveted as fantasy, as all modern eldorado opportunities for investment and housing, offices which, moreover, remain empty. Euromed tirelessly to commence, with the arrogance of the builders on the deserts, a restructuring of the European territory in regional clusters for competitiveness, operates around the new "neighborhood" of Joliette business with great blows of expropriation and expulsion. This project to construct an "area of peace, security and shared prosperity" is embodied in the destruction of the last enclaves of the popular center for deportation at the periphery and building poles for alternative virtual population acquired mobility or speculation. One of the last major European cities with a popular center bend Does the spine facing annihilation forms of collusion in order to substitute their shapeless conglomerates, separated by deserts and highways? In the absence of resistance size, sabotage of parking meters, actions against evictions, swarming rebellious lives in this administration and bankruptcies in the Lords are all cries of a city that refuses to be called only by deception that city .
flourishing culture and gentrification
When the sounds of jackhammers and the gigantism of cardboard no longer seem sufficient arise so little sneaky plans for a vital culture. Banners and brochures flower to celebrate the victory of Marseille-Provence as European Capital of Culture in 2013. The former Orangina-Schweppes CEO, Jacques Pfister, president of the event and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, celebrates the marriage of culture and enterprise. To this patron of modern times, man of culture and great fighter against the demonization of the company, one role of the artist is to trace the financers economic moment they live. The event would have no issues but would participate in a politics of civilization. One of the many goals would be to reassure foreign companies that install on reception conditions and lives of their frames, families and employees in a city where culture must be well secured [ 1]. Others, like Rudy Ricciotti, architect of the future MuCEM, who still live together between the poor would not be an aesthetic project or a political project, complain that there is not enough rich people in Marseille and hope that the event could bring a little corn, a few beautiful women convertible car [ 2]. The consensus among policy makers and economic and the temporary absence of dissenting voices among the entertainers would it be due to the financial attractiveness of the famous 98 million? Citizens dubious say leaders should be content with a mobilization strategy that would become an actor of the event. This project, whose principal axes [ 3] have been thoroughly defined the attributes important to a culture with a European international show. The crumbs of a local folklore multiculturalist doubtful based on what was a city of Marseille in Marseille mode tweak the brand. Desertions and initiatives to fight in the field of art, a struggle which will manifest itself by a radical questioning of the role of guard dog on a lead financial authority and active participant in the collapse recent popular enclaves attributed to the artist, will pose challenges to those projects where culture and peace are forever linked. We can not say "No" and sabotage by all means the negation of what remains of life from below. Because if the love we begin by saying positive things, we should fall into the error of claiming, which is a mistake because when the love making these positive claims, he helps himself to convert these things, idea of themselves manipulated by trade, and the State Capital. Lei
Readings for an offensive Cities and social resistance, "Agone No. 38/39, 2008 Bendy Glu, Culture & Propaganda" "Lille 2004" European Capital of Culture in Agone, No. 34, 2005 Bruno Le Dantec, The Nameless City in Marseilles in the mouths of those who murdered, Red Dog, 2007 Website "The party is over" - http://lafeteestfinie.free.fr/
Published in No. 21 Offensive
OLS Chapacans c / o Thousand Babord Consolat 61 street, 13001 Marseille chapacans@riseup.net http://offensive.samizdat.net/ http://atheles.org/offensive/
[ 1] Remarks at the end of the radio program: Marseille for its economic policy makers http://www.grenouille888.org/dyn/spip.php? rubrique450
[ 2] Remarks Everything happens during the show! (21'30) On November 7, 2008 on France Culture http://www.tv-radio.com/ondemand/france_culture/TOUTARRIVE/TOUTARRIVE20081107.ram
[ 3] We will return later on the merits of this project.
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